Fountain of Health Yoga Studio

ONLINE Joy of Dancing
with Marcee


July 10 (Wednesday)
at 5:30 pm (GMT-06:00)

Class length
75 minutes

Live Online

FHYS Yoga & Dance Class

    FHYS Yoga & Dance Class will deliver a great cardio workout while increasing your flexibility and strength. These classes will lift your spirits and you’ll be joining kindred-spirits who are interested in dancing and setting the goddess of joy free! 

    Being part of our dance environment allows you to let your feet take your heart dancing while getting to know others who are interested in dancing for joy and wellness. Did you know that joyful dancing burns more calories than running, swimming or cycling!

    FHYS Yoga & Dance classes reduce anxiety, depression, and feelings of anger. Everyone feels an increase of endorphins, better moods and more contentment.

         During this moving hour and 15-minute class you’ll enjoy a brief opening with inspiration and a yoga-inspired warmup. Then we let our feet take our hearts dancing.

         When we all feel like we’ve danced enough we’ll enjoy a few minutes of gentle yoga postures with breathing techniques to calm, center and savor the joy we’ve released from our burdened hearts. 

         I look forward to sharing the pure joy of dancing with you. 

Happy Feet are a Treat



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